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El Sadar Stadium, Pamplona, Spain

Estadio El Sadar, commonly referred to as just El Sadar, serves as the proud home ground of Osasuna and is situated in Pamplona within the Navarre region of mainland Spain. Erected in 1967, it boasts a maximum capacity of 23,576 and derives its name from the nearby river.

Accessing the stadium is convenient, offering multiple transportation options. Located on the southern fringes of Pamplona, it sits approximately 2.5km from the city centre. Visitors can opt for a train journey, as a station lies 4km away, or enjoy a leisurely 30-minute walk from the heart of the city. Alternatively, a bus service from the city centre provides a quick and easy route to the venue.

What sets El Sadar apart is its intimate setting, where the proximity of the crowd to the pitch creates a pulsating atmosphere. This close connection allows players to draw inspiration from the energy and fervour of their passionate fans.